Last updated: 6/28/2024


2019 – PresentDepartment of Landscape Architecture, Penn State Assistant Professor
2018 – 2019Department of Landscape Architecture, Penn State Lecturer
2014 – 2018Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison Faculty Associate
2011 – 2014Wetland Science and Practice Journal, Penn State Journal Layout Editor
2013Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Colorado Denver Instructor
2011 – 2013University of Colorado Denver and University of Colorado Boulder Research Assistant
2012Environmental Design Program, University of Colorado Boulder Instructor


2019Ph.D. Urban and Regional PlanningUniversity of Colorado Denver
2011Master of Science in Landscape ArchitecturePenn State
2010: Pennsylvania-Delaware American Society of Landscape Architecture Student Merit Award
2010: Penn State College of Arts and Architecture Graduate Student Creative Achievement Award
2010: Penn State University Olmsted Scholar
2010: Penn State University Graduate School Poster Exhibition – 2nd place
2002Bachelor of Landscape ArchitecturePenn State


2013Computer Terrain Mapping Consultant
2003 – 2008Frederick Seibert & Associates, Inc. Project Manager
2002 – 2003Frederick Seibert & Associates, Inc. Landscape Designer


2007 – 2013Registered Landscape Architect (expired) Pennsylvania State Registration Board



 2024 – 2026   $25,968Flohr, T. L. (PI), Heris, M. (Co-PI), Garcia, L. (Graduate Student). “Automating design computing and analyses for analyzing the equitability and diversity of urban street trees,” Penn State Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, Penn State.
 2020 – 2025 $139,474Flohr, T. L. (PI), Cole, C. A. (Co-PI). “Recreation Use and Impacts to Cliff Resources at the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park,” National Park Service.

 2022 – 2024     $249,859Heris, M. (PI), Flohr, T. L. (Co-PI), Marotullio, P. (Co-PI), Lundi, D., McQueary, T. (Co-PI), and Ramos, C. (Co-PI). “Developing an interactive portal for connecting vulnerable communities to the science of urban heat mitigation.” NASA – Earth Science Applications: Equity and Environmental Justice.
 2022 – 2023     $30,000Flohr, T. L. (PI), Richardson, L. (Co-PI), Hoffman, M. (Co-PI), Wu, H. (Co-PI), Lindemann, J. (Co-PI), Heris, M. (Co-PI). “Connecting policies to actions for creating just, biodiverse, and climate-resilient urban forests,” Penn State Institutes of the Energy and the Environment Seed Grant for Urban Systems Strategic Priority, Penn State.
 2021 – 2022     $10,000Wu, H. (PI), Flohr, T. L. (Co-PI), Yencha, A. (Co-PI), Adib, M. (Graduate Student). “A web app for enhancing knowledge transfer and science communication in community engagement during pandemic time and beyond,” Stuckeman School Community Engagement Research and Creative Activity Grant Program, Penn State.
 2020 – 2021   $14,000Flohr, T. L. (PI), Heris, M. (Co-PI). “Assessing urban forest mosaic patterns impacts on urban surface temperature mitigation in Baltimore, Maryland and Denver, Colorado,” Center for Ecology+Design, Penn State.
 2018 – 2020   $13,200Flohr, T. L. (PI), Miller, D. (Co-PI), Hong, W. (Co-PI), Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student).”Developing a computational planting design and decision-making tool for assessing and predicting pollinator habitat resilience,” Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, Penn State.
 2019 – 2020   $10,000Mainzer, S. (PI), Flohr, T. L. (Co-PI). “Pennsylvania’s solar future: comparing potential between urban and rural areas.,” The Pennsylvania State University Sustainability Institute Living Laboratory Research Grant in Partnership with Lighsource BP, Penn State.
 2019 – 2020 $600Flohr, T. L., (PI). “Musser Gap to valley lands (MG2V) trail use observational research,” The Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate Student Involvement in Research Grant, Penn State.
Before Penn State Tenure Track Appointment
 2016   $7,200Sirek, D. (PI), Flohr, T. L. (Co-I). “Virtual reality (VR) simulation activities in online or blended learning programs and courses.,” University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Continuing Studies, Universities and Colleges.
 2015 $445Flohr, T. L. (PI). “Distance teaching and learning conference,” University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Continuing Studies, Universities and Colleges.
 2013 $9,000Flohr, T. L. (PI), Schulte, S. (Co-PI). “Visitation and use on Boulder County’s regional trails,” Boulder County Parks and Open Space, Boulder County, Colorado.
 2013     $6,000Flohr, T. L. (PI), Hinke, M. (Co-PI), Afzalan, N. (Co-PI). “Software training for designers and planners – Department of Planning and Design, University of Colorado Denver Fall 2013,” Department of Planning and Design, College of Architecture and Planning University of Colorado, Denver.


 2024 – 2027     $2,300,228Heris, M. (PI), Flohr, T. L. (Co-PI), Frei, A. H. (Co-PI). “Roofscape of New York City: Working with communities and educating youth to measure the impact of roofs on heat mitigation and stormwater management,” National Science Foundation SES-S&CC: Smart and Connected Communities.


Under Review
Handayani, A. S., Permana, T., Isoda, Y., Nakaya, T., & Flohr, T. L. “Investigating local climate injustice using land use regressions to inform urban adaptation planning: the case of urban rain in Greater Jakarta.” Cities.
Flohr, T. L., Garcia, L. (Graduate Student), Figueiredo, C., Heris, M., Hoffman, M., Lindemann, J., Wu, H., & Richardson, L. “Exploring a just and diverse urban forests’ capacity for mitigating future mean radiant temperatures.” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 9-2024, p. 302-313. DOI:
Kriehn, E. (Graduate Student), Tamminga, K., & Flohr, T. L. “Spatial indices for convivial greenstreets.” Sustainability 15(24): 16781, p. 1-23. DOI:

Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., George, R., & Avila, A. “Investigating New York City’s Cool Roof Program implementation using remote sensing through an environmental justice lens. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 8-2023, p. 65-74. DOI:, M. (Graduate Student),

Wu, H., & Flohr, T. L. “Professional perceptions of participatory practices in green stormwater infrastructure development.” PLOS Water. 2(3), e0000084, p. 1-20. DOI:
Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., & Derycke, E. “An ENVI-met simulation data pipeline for evaluating urban tree patterns impacts on urban micro-climate.” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 7-2022, p. 538-548. DOI:
Flohr, T. L., Johnson, T. P., & Tamminga, K. “The virtual studio: creating physical presence in a virtual studio environment.” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 6-2021, p. 476-486. DOI:
Flohr, T. L., Sirek, D., & Tredinnick, R. “Creating virtual environments in support of on-line problem-based learning.” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 5-2020, p. 386-394. DOI:
Mainzer, S., Cole, C. A., & Flohr, T. L. “Deep decarbonization and renewable energy in the Appalachian Mountains (DDREAM): a socio-ecological systems approach to evaluating ecological governance.” Journal of Socio-Ecological Practice Research 1(3-4), p. 249–263. DOI:
Murtha, T., Golden, C., Cyphers, A., Klippel, A., & Flohr, T. “Beyond inventory and mapping: LiDAR, landscape and digital landscape architecture.” Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture 3-2018, p. 249-259. DOI:
Muller, B., & Flohr, T. L. “A geodesign approach to environmental design education: framing the pedagogy, evaluating the results.” Landscape and Urban Planning 156, p. 101-117. DOI:
Rigolon, A., & Flohr, T. L. “Access to parks for youth as an environmental justice issue: access inequalities and possible solutions.” Buildings 4(2), p. 69-94. DOI:
Flohr, T. L. “A landscape architect’s review of building information modeling technology.” Landscape Journal, 30(1), p. 169–170. DOI:


Muller, B., Heris, M., & Flohr, T. L. “Heat and city design: exploring the relationships between heat island effect and urban morphology.” Planning Stormwater Resilient Urban Open Spaces. CLEAN. p. 51-57.


Under Review
Adib, M. (Graduate Student), Flohr, T. L., Wu, H., Lindemann, J., Richardson, L., Hoffman, M., & Heris, M. “Opportunities and barriers for a just and biodiverse urban forest: the case of Pittsburgh, PA.” Landscape Research Record. 18 pp. 
Flohr, T. L., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). “A web app for urban pollinator site assessment.” Landscape Research Record. 9, p. 177-191. DOI: N/A.


Upcoming (Accepted)
Heris, M. & Flohr, T. L. (November 2024). “Introducing planning-ready and advocacy-ready data urban heat mitigation,” 2024 Annual American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Seattle, WA, USA.
Flohr, T. L., Garcia, L. (Graduate Student), Figueiredo, C., Heris, M., Hoffman, M., Lindemann, J., Wu, H., & Richardson, L. (June 2024). “Exploring a Just, and Diverse Urban Forests’ Capacity for Mitigating Future Mean Radiant Temperatures,” 25th Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture, Vienna, Austria.

Flohr, T. L. , Adib, M. (Graduate Student), Wu, H., Lindemann, J., & Hoffman, M. (March 2024). “Opportunities and barriers for a just and biodiverse urban forest: the case of Pittsburgh, PA,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Heris, M., George, R., Flohr, T. L., Marcotulio, P., Kittredge, A., Reinmann, A., He, S. K., & Fein, M. (December 2023). “Developing an interactive portal for connecting vulnerable communities to the science of urban heat mitigation,” AGU 23 Wide. Open. Science., American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, US.

Heris, M., George, R., & Flohr, T. L. (October 2023). “The status of cool roofs in New York City and the role of local laws in expanding them.,” 2023 Annual American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, peer-reviewed/refereed.

Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., George, R., & Avila, A. (May 2023). “Investigating New York City’s Cool Roof Program Implementation Using Remote Sensing Through an Environmental Justice Lens.,” 24th Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture, Dessau, Germany.
Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., & Derycke, E. (June 2022). “Urban Tree Patterns Impacts on Urban Micro-climate: A Geospatial Simulation Data Pipeline,” 23rd Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture, Cambridge, MA USA.

Flohr, T. L. & Heris, M. (March 2022). “Urban tree patterns impacts on urban microclimate,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA (attended virtually).
Flohr, T. L., Johnson, T. P., & Tamminga, K. (May 2021). “The Virtual Studio: creating physical presence in a virtual studio environment.,” 22nd Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture, Dessau, Germany (attended virtually).

Adib, M. (Graduate Student), Wu, H., & Flohr, T. L. (March 2021). “Evaluating community engagement mechanisms for green stormwater infrastructure development,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, (attended virtually).

Mainzer, S., & Flohr, T. L. (March 2021). “The Urban-Rural Battleground: statewide socio-ecological system drivers of voting in Pennsylvania,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, (attended virtually).
Flohr, T. L., Johnson, T. P., & Tamminga, K. (November 2020). “The virtual studio: An emerging tacit learning management system framework.,” 2020 International Teaching Learning Cooperative LILLY Online Conference, (attended virtually). Mainzer, S., &

Flohr, T. L. (November 2020). “Pennsylvania’s Solar Future,” Second ARCC “In Progress” Virtual Colloquium, Architecture Research Centers Consortium, (attended virtually).

Flohr, T. L., Sirek, D., & Tredinnick, R. (June 2020). “Applications of ground-based LiDAR and virtual environments in support of on-line problem-based learning,” 21st Annual International Digital Landscape Architecture Conference, Boston, MA, USA, (attended virtually).

Flohr, T. L., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). (March 2020). “A web app for urban pollinator site assessment, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Louisville, KY, (abstract accepted; conference canceled due to COVID-19).
Flohr, T. L. (March 2019). “Wildfire risk reduction: evaluating local government’s implementation of wildfire risk reduction best practices in the American West,” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Sacramento, CA.
Flohr, T. L. (March 2018). “Flipping a regional design studio: teaching GIS through an applied studio project in a flipped studio setting.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Blacksburg, VA.
Flohr, T. L. (May-June 2017). “A path to wildfire resilient landscapes: changing the wildfire risk modeling paradigm.” Environmental Design Research Association, Madison, WI.
Flohr, T. L. (March 2016). “Evaluating CWWP effectiveness: wildland fire and defensible space.” Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Rigolon, A. & Flohr, T. L. (October-November 2014). “Methodological trends in planning: qualitative approaches in transformative mixed research studies.” 2014 Annual American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Muller, B. & Flohr, T. L. (October 2014). “A geodesign approach to environmental design education: framing the pedagogy, evaluating the results.” 2014 International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference, Guangzhou, China.
Rigolon, A. & Flohr, T. L. (July 2013). “Exploring children and youth’s accessibility to urban green spaces: a GIS study measuring access opportunities for formal and informal play.” 2013 Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Muller, B., Flohr, T. L., & Heris, M. (November 2012). “Urban morphology and heat: exploring the relationships.’ 2012 Annual American Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wessman, C., Muller, B., Buma, B., Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., & Mohammadbagher, M. (August 2012). “Phenology of green infrastructure in cities: a window into ecosystem services in urban environments.” 97th Ecological Society of America Annual Convention, Portland Oregon.

Muller, B., Flohr, T. L.,& Heris, M. (July 2012). “Heat and city design: assessing the relationship between heat island effect and urban morphology.” 2012 Association of European Schools of Planning Conference. Ankara, Turkey.
Muller, B. Heris, M., Flohr, T. L., Mirzazad, S., Mohannadbagher, M., Ardalan, D., and Assefa, S. “Measuring sustainable urban form: developing metric and indicators for the City of Boulder, CO.” 2011 Annual Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Flohr, T. L., Joice, T., & Rusnak, C. (June 2010). “Encountering Czech agricultural history in a community engagement studio.” 2010 Agricultural History Society Conference, Winter Park, Florida.

Flohr, T. L. & Murtha, T. Jr., (May 2010). “Participatory planning: a look at website content and interactivity to maximize educational potential.” 2009-2010 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands.


Albuja Carbonell, D. C. (Graduate Student), Flohr, T. L., & Cole, C. A. (May 2024). “Japanese Barberry control and active restoration strategies for climate resilient forests,” 2024 Climate Solutions Symposium, Penn State Climate Consortium, University Park, PA, USA.
Heris, M., George, R, Flohr, T. L., & Avila, A. (September 2023). “Cool Roofs in a Warm City: Exploring Changes in the Cool Roof Landscape of New York City,” 2023 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.

Flohr, T. L., Albuja Carbonell, D. C. (Graduate Student), & Cole, C. A. (September 2023). “Recreation Impacts to Cliff Resources in Harpers Ferry National Historical Park,” 2023 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.

Flohr, T. L., Garcia, L. (Graduate Student), Heris, M., Wu, H., Adib, M. (Graduate Student), Lindemann, J., Hoffman, M., & Richardson, L. (September 2023). “Simulating Future Urban Forest Scenarios Impacts on Mitigating Mean Radiant Temperature,” 2023 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.

Handayani, A. S. (Graduate Student), Flohr, T. L., & Isoda, Y. (May 2023). “Integrating spatial regression analysis into land use design and planning in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia: a collaborative rationality geodesign framework,” Earth, Sea and Sky VIII: International Joint Graduate Program Workshop in Earth and Environmental Sciences, GP-EES, Tohoku University, Kita-Aobayama Campus, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Adib, M. (Graduate Student), Wu, H., Flohr, T. L., Echols, S. P., & Cruz, S. (September 2022). “Environmental Education for Stormwater Stewardship,” 2022 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.

Flohr, T. L., & Albuja Carbonell, D. C. (Graduate Student). (September 2022). “Mitigating Urban Heat Island Exposure: A Longitudinal, Socio-Environmental Time-Series Analysis of Urban Ecosystems,” 2022 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.
Adib, M. (Graduate Student), Wu, H., Flohr, T. L. & Kelsey, T. (September 2021). “Evaluating community engagement mechanisms for green stormwater infrastructure development,” 2021 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.

Mainzer, S., & Flohr, T. L. (September 2021). “The urban-rural battleground: Statewide socio-ecological system drivers of voting in PA,” 2021 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.

Flohr, T. L., & Heris, M. (September 2021). “Urban tree patterns impacts on urban microclimate: A geospatial simulation data pipeline for multi-neighborhood scale landscape metric analyses,” 2021 Stuckeman School Research Open House, Stuckeman School and the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA, USA.
Flohr, T. L., Miller, D. A., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). (September 2020). “Assessing pollinator habitat resiliency,” 2020 SCDC Flash Symposium, University Park, PA, USA.

Flohr, T. L., Johnson, T. P., & Tamminga, K. (September 2020). “The Virtual Studio,” 2020 SCDC Flash Symposium, University Park, PA, USA.
Flohr, T. L., Miller, D. A., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). (September 2019). “Computationally assessing pollinator habitat resiliency,” SCDC VR/AR Flash Symposium, The Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, University Park, PA USA.
Gallaher, S., Rigolon, A., Flohr, T. L., & Chuayprakong, P. (April 2013). “Bike share equity and efficiency: a mixed methods approach.” 16th Annual Research and Creative Activities Symposium. University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA.
Buma, B., Muller, B., Wessman, C., Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., & Mohammadbagher, M. (April 2012). “Assessing the benefits of green infrastructure: the dynamics of landscape decision, built morphology, and ecosystem services.” 2012 United States Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology: Informing Decisions in a Changing World Annual Symposium. Newport, RI, USA.

Wessman, C, Muller, B., Buma, B., Heris, M., Flohr, T., Mohammadbagher, M., & Ardalan, D. (April 2012). “Phenology of green infrastructure in cities: a window into ecosystem services in urban environment,” Spring 2012 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences: Innovative Research Program Poster Session. University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA.

Buma, B., Flohr, T. L., Heris, M., Mohammadbagher, M., Ardalan, D., Muller, B., & Wessman, C. (February 2012). “Phenology of green infrastructure in cities: a window into ecosystem services in urban environments,” 2012 Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA.
Flohr, T. L., & Murtha, T. Jr. (March 2010). “Communicating Future Scenarios: Developing an interactive, participatory internet-based tool for ecological planning.” 2010 Penn State Graduate Exhibition, University Park, PA, USA.


Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, December 2023. “2023 Investigators Annual Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (8 pp.)

Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, December 2023. “2023 Investigators Annual Research Permit Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (8 pp.).
Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, November 2022. “2022 Investigators Annual Research Permit Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (3 pp.).

Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, January 2022. “2022 Investigators Annual Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (52 pp.).
Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, December 2021. “2021 Investigators Annual Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (15 pp.).

Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, December 2021. “2021 Investigators Annual Research Permit Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (3 pp.).

Mainzer, S., & Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, July 2021. “Annual Report for Pennsylvania’s Solar Future: Comparing Potential between Urban and Rural Areas.” Lightsource BP Solar Living Lab. (3 pp.).

Flohr, T. L., & Heris, M. Final Report, July 2021. “Assessing urban forest mosaic patterns impacts on urban surface temperature mitigation in Baltimore, Maryland and Denver, Colorado.” Ecology Plus Design, The Pennsylvania State University. (4 pp.).
Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, December 2020. “2020 Investigators Annual Report for Task Agreement Number P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (1 pp.). Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, September 2020. “2020 PROGRESS REPORT FOR TASK AGREEMENT NUMBER P20AC01044.” United States National Park Service. (1 pp.).

Flohr, T. L., Miller, D. A., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). Final Report, June 2020. “Developing a computational planting design and decision-making tool for assessing and predicting pollinator habitat resilience.” Penn State Stuckeman Center for Design Computing. (5 pp.). 

Flohr, T. L. Final Report, May 2020. “Musser Gap to Valley Lands (MG2V) Visitation Assessment Project Final Report.” Penn State President’s Fund for Undergraduate Research/Creative Activities College of Arts and Architecture. (9 pp.).

Mainzer, S., & Flohr, T. L. Annual Report, May 2020. “Pennsylvania’s Solar Future: Comparing Potential between Urban and Rural Areas.” Lightsource BP Solar Living Lab. (3 pp.).
Flohr, T. L., Miller, D. A., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). Quarterly Report, July 2019. “Developing a computational planting design and decision-making tool for assessing and predicting pollinator habitat resilience.” Penn State Stuckeman Center for Design Computing. (11 pp.).

Flohr, T. L., Miller, D. A., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). Quarterly Report, February 2019. “Developing a computational planting design and decision-making tool for assessing and predicting pollinator habitat resilience.” Penn State Stuckeman Center for Design Computing. (13 pp.).
Schulte, S. & Flohr, T. L. Final Report. “Visitation and use on Boulder County’s regional trails.” Boulder County, CO: Boulder County Parks and Open Space. (31 pp.).  

Flohr, Travis. Final Report. “Boulder Canyon User Study Boulder, CO.” Access Fund. (43 pp.).


Cole, C. A., Wu, H., Iulo, L. D., DuRussel, L., Mainzer, S., Mainzer, K., Andrews, L., Flohr, T. L. (March 2020). “Ecology+Design,” Penn State’s Sustainability Exhibition, University Park, PA, USA.
Flohr, T. L. “LAYERS (Vrstvy).” Exhibited in 2011 Exhibition: Re-collections and Re-visions. Curated by Cecilia Rusnak and Ann Tarantino. Vyšehrad Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.


Flohr, T. L. (March 2024). “Pittsburgh’s Urban Forest Diversity and Urban Heat Island Mitigation Capacity,” Tree Pittsburgh and City of Pittsburgh Planning Lunch and Learn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Hinke, M. & Flohr, T. L. (January 2024). “High angle GIS at Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia: addressing key challenges in technology and education.” GIS Colorado Quarterly Meetup. GIS Colorado, Centennial, Colorado, USA.
Heris, M., George, R., & Flohr, T. L. (October 2023). “Cool Roofs in a Warm City,” Lunch and Learn, New York City Mayors Office of Climate and Environmental Justice, New York City, NY, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (October 2023). “Evaluating policy performance, designed and future landscapes,” TREES Colloquium, University Park, PA, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (November 2023). “Using GIS to evaluate policy performance, designed and future landscapes from the parcel to metropolitan scales,” Penn State GIS Day 2023: The Power of Place, University Libraries and Department of Geography, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA [Invited].
Flohr, T. L. (April 2022). “Simulating Impacts of Landscape Design and Planning for Biodiversity and Climate-Resilient Communities,” 2022 Stuckeman Center for Design Computing Funded Research, Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA.
Flohr, T. L. (June 2021). “Geodesign: a process for creating climate-resilient communities.”, Earth, Sea and Sky VI: International Joint Graduate Program Workshop in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tohoku University (GP-EES) and JSPS-DFG Japanese-German Graduate Externship for Research on Deep Earth Volatile Cycle, Tohoku University, Japan.
Flohr, T. L., Wu, H., & Tebyanian, N. (Graduate Student). (April 2019). “The challenge of place in time with geodesign: example of pollinator habitat resiliency.” Pennsylvania/Delaware Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference, Pennsylvania/Delaware Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Cranberry Township, PA, USA. [Invited].
Flohr, T. L. (March 2017). “Geodesign: a framework for evaluating design.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI Engineering and Professional Development Program. Madison, WI, USA.Flohr, T. L. (March 2017). “Resilient pollination design: creating pollinator habitat typologies.” Wisconsin Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Flohr, T. L. (August 2016). “Designing and planning sustainable and resilient communities.” Lecture presented at the UW-Madison Landscape Architecture and Planning merger workshop. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.
Flohr, T. L. (October 2015). “Sustainability and resiliency: a design and landscape-planning problem?” Lecture presented at the Sustainable Landscapes in the Built Environment Workshop. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (September 2015). “Sustainability: the role of a landscape architect and planner.” Lecture conducted for the Sustainability Leadership Program – Edgewood College. Madison, WI, USA.

Flohr, T. L. & Hinke, M. (July 2015). “Eyes on the street: a geodesign process for evaluating eyes on the street.” esri User Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (April 15) “Geodesign: new or old and UW-Madison Department of Landscape Architecture geodesign initiatives.” 2015 UW-Madison Geospatial Alliance Summit, Madison, WI, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (March 2015). “Geodesign: a framework for evaluating design.” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI Engineering and Professional Development Program. Madison, WI, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (January 2015). “Geodesign: a framework to evaluate design’s impacts: Landscape Inventory and Evaluation Methods.” Lecture conducted for The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Department of Landscape Architecture, Madison, WI, USA.
Flohr, T. L. (November 2014). “Geodesign: a framework to evaluate design’s impacts.” Introduction to GIS Lecture conducted for The University of Colorado Denver Department of Landscape Architecture, Denver, CO, USA.

Flohr, T. L. “Flipping the classroom: teaching introduction to GIS as an applied geodesign project within Aurora, Colorado.” 2014 UW-Madison Geospatial Alliance Summit, Madison, WI, USA.
Rigolon, A. & Flohr, T. L. (June 2013). “Access to green spaces for children.” Lunch and learn for City Parks Department. Boulder, CO, USA.

Flohr, T. L. & Schulte, S. (June 2013). “Trail and recreation use.” Sustainability Indicators: The City of Boulder-Environmental Design Program Partnership Symposium Lecture. Boulder, CO, USA.

Flohr, T. L. & Rigolon, A. (June 2013). “Access to green spaces for children.” Sustainability Indicators: The City of Boulder-Environmental Design Program Partnership Symposium Lecture. Boulder, CO, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (June 2013). “Habitat fragmentation and subdivisions.” Sustainability Indicators: The City of Boulder-Environmental Design Program Partnership Symposium Lecture. Boulder, CO, USA.

Flohr, T. L. (April 2013). “GIS and sustainable development.” Sustainable Community Development II. Lecture conducted for The University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA.
Flohr, T. L., (November 2012). “Environmental impact assessment: a case study using the Maryland Forest Conservation Ordinance.” Lecture conducted for The University of Colorado Boulder Environmental Impact Assessment Course, Boulder, CO, USA.

Flohr, T. L., (November 2012). “Evaluating design and policies: spatially understanding complex systems.” Lecture conducted for The University of Colorado Denver Introduction to GIS, Denver, CO, USA.

Muller, B., Flohr, T. L., & Heris, M. (September 2012). “Methods for spatial accounting of urban heat effects.” Seminar: Good Sun and Bad Sun. American Planning Association Conference. Golden, CO, USA.


Editorial Responsibilities
May 2023 – presentJournal of Digital Landscape Architecture, Editorial Board
May 2021 – presentLandscape Research Record, Co-Editor
Peer Review of Grant Proposals
January 2019The Pennsylvania State University College of Arts and Architecture, Reviewer, 18 college research pilot project grants.
October 2018Chesapeake Bay Trust, Reviewer, 8 watershed planning and stormwater management retrofit project grants.
Peer Review of Manuscripts, etc.
25th Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture.
Reviewer, 7 review(s). (November 2023)
24th Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture.
Reviewer, 8 review(s). (November 2022)
23rd Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture.
Reviewer, 5 reviews. (November 2021)
22nd Annual International Conference on Information Technology in Landscape Architecture, Digital Landscape Architecture.
Reviewer, 7 reviews. (November 2020)
Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)
Reviewer, 8 reviews. (October 2023) Reviewer, 5 reviews. (October 2021)
Reviewer, 5 reviews. (October 2020)
Reviewer, 4 reviews. (November 2019)
Frontiers of Architectural Research
Reviewer, 1 review. (July 2021)
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
Reviewer, 3 reviews. (January 2023)
Reviewer, 2 reviews. (January 2022)

Journal of Landscape Architecture

Reviewer, 1 review. (February 2020)
Landscape Journal
Reviewer, 1 review(s). (August 2021)
Landscape Research Record
Reviewer, 1 review. (August 2022)
Reviewer, 2 reviews. (August 2021)
Reviewer, 2 reviews. (July 2019)
Research Applications, Dashboards, and StoryMaps
In development
Heris, M., Flohr, T. L., Marotullio, P., Lundi, D., McQueary, T., and Ramos, C. “Connecting vulnerable NYC and Jersey City communities to the science of urban heat mitigation.” [StoryMap/Dashboard]. Launch date: Summer/Fall 2024.
Heris, M., George, R., Flohr, T. L., Avila, A. “Cool Roofs in a Warm City.” [Storymap].

Heris, M., George, R., Avila, A., Flohr, T. L. “NYC Cool Roofs Dashboard.” [Dashboard].



Spring 2024
ECLGY 600, Thesis research (No course evaluation)
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio (Course score: 5/5; Instructor score: 5/5) LARCH 246, LA Ridge & Valley: Field course (No evaluation – prepared course material and participated in pre-field course teaching, but was not able to participate in course instruction due to family hospice care responsibilities.)
LARCH 256, Skills Lab IV: GIS (Course score: 4/5; Instructor score: 5/5)
LARCH 553, FCE Doc & Pres: MLA capstone research (Course score: 5/5; Instructor score: 5/5)
LARCH 596, Independent studies (Course score: 5/5; Instructor score: 5/5)
LARCH 816, Grad Design II: Grad system studio (Course score: 5/5; Instructor score: 5/5)
Fall 2023
ECLGY 600, Thesis research (No course evaluation)
LARCH 335, Des Impl III: Undergrad planting methods (Course score: 5/5; Instructor score: 5/5)
LARCH 552, FCE Production: MLA capstone research (No course evaluation)
LARCH 553, FCE Doc & Pres: MLA capstone research (Course score: 5/5; Instructor score: 5/5)
LARCH 596, Independent studies (No course evaluation)
LARCH 837, Grad Des Impl III: Grad planting methods (No course evaluation)
Summer 2023
LARCH 552, FCE Production: MLA capstone research (No course evaluation)
Spring 2023
ECLGY 600, Thesis research (No course evaluation)
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
LARCH 246, LA Ridge & Valley: Field course (No course evaluation)
LARCH 256, Skills Lab IV: GIS (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 6/7)
LARCH 551, FCE Proposal: MLA capstone research proposal (No course evaluation)
LARCH 816, Grad Design II: Grad system studio (Course score: 7/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
Fall 2022
LARCH 315, Des Studio V: Undergrad community design (Course score: 5/7; Instructor score: 5/7)
LARCH 335, Des Impl III: Undergrad planting methods (Course score: 7/7; Instructor score: 6/7)
LARCH 596, Independent studies (No course evaluation)
LARCH 817, Grad Design III: Grad community design (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 6/7)
LARCH 837, Grad Des Impl III: Grad planting methods (Course score: 7/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
Summer 2022
LARCH 596, Independent studies (No course evaluation)
Spring 2022
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
LARCH 256, Skills Lab IV: GIS (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
LARCH 816, Grad Design II: Grad system studio (Course score: 7/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
Fall 2021
LARCH 335, Des Impl III: Undergrad planting methods (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 6.5/7) LARCH 837, Grad Des Impl III: Grad planting methods (Course score: 7/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
Summer 2021
LARCH 596, Independent studies (No course evaluation)
Spring 2021
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 6/7)
LARCH 256, Skills Lab IV: GIS (Course score: 6.5/7; Instructor score: 5/7)
LARCH 553, FCE Doc & Pres: MLA capstone research (No course evaluation)
LARCH 816, Grad Design II: Grad system studio (No course evaluation)
Fall 2020 (COVID, no course evaluations)
LARCH 315, Des Studio V: Undergrad community design
LARCH 335, Des Impl III: Undergrad planting methods
LARCH 552, FCE Production: MLA capstone research
LARCH 596, Independent studies LARCH 817, Grad Design III: Grad community design
LARCH 837, Grad Des Impl III: Grad planting methods
Spring 2020 (COVID, no course evaluations)
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio
LARCH 816, Grad Design II: Grad system studio
Fall 2019
LARCH 315, Des Studio V: Undergrad community design (Course score: 3.56/7; Instructor score: 6.56/7)
LARCH 335, Des Impl III: Undergrad planting methods (Course score: 6.08/7; Instructor score: 6.67/7)
LARCH 817, Grad Design III: Grad community design (Course score: 5.75/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
LARCH 837, Grad Des Impl III: Grad planting methods (Course score: 6.33/7; Instructor score: 6.67/7)
Spring 2019
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio (Course score: 5.85/7; Instructor score: 6.5/7)
LARCH 256, Skills Lab IV: GIS (Course score: 5.84/7; Instructor score: 6.58/7)
LARCH 816, Grad Design II: Grad system studio (Course score: 7/7; Instructor score: 7/7)
Fall 2018
LARCH 216, Des Studio IV: Undergrad systems studio (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 6.36/7)
LARCH 321, Theory Seminar: Undergrad systems theory (Course score: 3.4/7; Instructor score: 4.6/7)
LARCH 502, Intel Hist Larch: Grad intellectual history of landscape architecture (Course score: 6/7; Instructor score: 6.67/7)
LARCH 597, Special Topics (Course score: 6.6/7; Instructor score: 6.8/7)


LA 2100 Mid-Semester Review, Environmental Design Program, University of Colorado Boulder. (Virtual).
LA 6656 Studio Final Review, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Florida. (Virtual).


Ph.D. Advisor
Albuja, D., Ph.D. “Japanese Barberry control and active restoration strategies for climate resilient forests.” (Ecology, The Pennsylvania State University). In process.

Garcia, L., Ph.D. “An extreme heat mitigation framework for low-income communities in the Brazilian Amazon.” (Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). In process.

Handayani, A. “Integrating spatial regression analysis into land use planning and design in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia: a collaborative rationality geodesign framework.” (Earth Science, Tohoku University, Japan). Co-advising. In process.
Ph.D. Committee Member
Adib, M., Ph.D. “Environmental Education for Stormwater Stewardship.” (Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). In process.

Tariq, T., Ph.D. “Integrating Blue-Green Infrastructures in Baltimore: decision-making approaches to combine computational modeling and community interaction.” (Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). In process.
MSLA Committee Member
Adib, M., MSLA. “Evaluating community engagement mechanisms for green stormwater infrastructure development: perspectives from public administrators, private practitioners, and academic researchers.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed June, 2021.
MLA Advisor
Berlin, J., MLA. “Assessing the long-term performance of reforestation sites in Montgomery County, MD.” (Department of Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed May 2024.

Hunter, S., MLA. “Riparian Brownfields to Green Spaces as Climate Adaptation in the Delaware River Estuary.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed December 2023.

Farhadi, F., MLA. “Co-habitating with fire: A design process and intervention tools for fire-smart communities.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed June 2021.

Sun, L., MLA. “Designing dynamic change: an intersection between bird habitat, barrier island migration, and human transportation.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed May 2021.
MLA Capstone Reader
Garcia, L., MLA. “Combining GIS and shape grammars to upgrade public open spaces in informal settlements: towards a systematic green framework.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed December 2021.Titcombe, E., MLA. “A break from the city: convivial greenstreets in Philadelphia.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed December 2021.
Master Geodesign Capstone Advisor
Cho, C., GEODESIGN. “Keeping North Green a geodesign approach to maintaining the greenery of North Caye Caulker, Belize amidst rapid development of the tourism industry. (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed month 2021.
MGIS Capstone Advisor
Stevens, M., MGIS. “Colorado Front Range conservation easements: GIS land valuation and hedonic modeling.” (Geography, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed May 2023.
Funded Undergrad Research Advisor
Mills, G., Undergraduate. “Musser Gap to Valley Lands (MG2V) trail use observational research.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed December 2019.

Montefour, J., Undergraduate. “Musser Gap to Valley Lands (MG2V) trail use observational research.” (Landscape Architecture, The Pennsylvania State University). Completed December 2019.



Department of Landscape Architecture

August 2023 – PresentGraduate Affairs Committee, Department of Landscape Architecture, Committee Member
Responsibilities include recruiting, program assessment and review of the MS and MLA, and admissions review. Key accomplishments are:
1. Host and attend a yearly recruitment event.
2. Review MS and MLA admissions.
3. Create and undertake a curriculum assessment plan for MS and MLA.
August 2023 – PresentLecture and Exhibitions Planning, Department of Landscape Architecture, Committee Member
Responsibilities include identifying lecture series themes, securing commitments for Bracken Fellow and Speakers, and coordinating visits. Key accomplishments include:
1. I coordinated a theme for the 2024/2025 lecture series in conjunction with the Stuckeman School Research Symposium.
2. I secured two keynote, Bracken Speakers for the 2024/2025 academic year.
3. I coordinated speakers as keynote speakers for the Spring 2025 Stuckeman School Research Symposium hosted by E+D entitled, “Biophilia – Designing for Animals.”
4. I secured faculty support for the 2024/2025 Bracken Fellow.
August 2018 – PresentEcology and Design, Center for Ecology and Design Committee, Department of Landscape Architecture, Committee Member.
In service to E+D, I spearheaded the following:
1) Created and maintained the E+D website
2) Set up social media accounts
3) Mentored and met weekly with our social media graduate assistant
4) Co-hosted, recorded, and edited five podcast episodes
5) Secured two keynote speakers for the 2024/2025 E+D hosted Stuckeman School Research Symposium.
August 2018 – September 2021Curriculum Committee, Undergraduate Curricular Affairs: BLA assessment, Committee Member.
Collaborated with my colleague to create and implement an assessment plan for the BLA program.
1. Draft assessment plan, including a short-term and long-term list of deliverables.
2. Correct and update past assessment data and visualizations.
3. Create a protocol to visualize the curriculum hot-spot map.
4. Create a curriculum and KSA map.
5. Create a curriculum assessment protocol, including a schedule for surveying faculty, compilation, analysis, and disseminating the results.
6. Review proposed courses for potential course conflicts in Landscape Architecture.
August 2018 – May 2019Geodesign Advisory Board Member, Geodesign Advisory Board, Committee Member.
Key accomplishment included strategies to assist program administration continuity during the phased retirement of the program director and program marketing strategies.

Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

August 2021 – PresentStuckeman Technology Committee, Stuckeman Technology Committee, Stuckeman School, Committee Member.
Advise the Stuckeman School Director and Department Heads on all information and technology needs and capital projects within the Stuckeman School. Accomplishments include:
1. Create yearly reports that documents research and instructional technology needs within the Stuckeman School.
2. Create yearly surveys and reports of research and instructional software needs.
3. Survey instructional printing needs.
4. Upgrade the audio and video capabilities of the Stuckeman Family Building jury space.
5. Created three new video conferencing spaces within the Stuckeman Family Building.
6. Expanded virtual computing resources within the Stuckeman School.
September 2018 – PresentStuckeman Center for Design Computing (SCDC) Advisory Committee, Stuckeman Center for Design Computing Executive Committee, Stuckeman School, Committee Member.
Responsibilities include advising the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing Director on strategic initiatives, marketing, planning, and budgeting. Key accomplishments include:
1. Create and approve yearly budgets.
2. Create graduate student recruitment strategies.
3. Advise on SCDC conferences and symposia.
4. Advise the SCDC on hardware and software improvements and lab expansion.
August 2019 – May 2023Stuckeman Faculty Council, Stuckeman Faculty Council, Stuckeman School, Committee Member, Elected.
Responsibilities entailed providing valuable insight to the Stuckeman School Director regarding faculty needs, strategic planning, capital improvements, technology, facilities, and other requests made by the director. Facilitate communication between faculty and the school director. Accomplishments included:
1. Provided institutional memory and stability through three school director changes.
2. Clarified the role of the committee within the school structure.
3. Created yearly reports on IT, facility, and faculty needs.
4. Provided guidance on School Strategic planning goals.
5. Co-created a COVID-19 re-opening plan for the Fall 2020 semester.
6. Provided feedback on internal school grant communications and processing.


January 2024 – PresentUniversity Tree Commission, The Pennsylvania State University, Member.
The Tree Commission guides tree maintenance, preservation, removal, and replacement of existing trees on campus and the selection of tree species for new plantings. The committee’s work also includes methods for identifying, acknowledging, and protecting irreplaceable trees by securing their Heritage Trees and Groves status and other landscape planting initiatives.


Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees

June 2021 – PresentCo-Chair the CELA Geo-spatial and Digital Analytics Track, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), Co-Chairperson, International.
2021 – Coordinated the review process of 10 track abstracts
2022 – Coordinated the review process of 19 track abstracts
2023 – Coordinated the review process of 17 track abstracts
2024 – Coordinated the review process of 14 track abstracts


2024The Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture Award 2024 for Highest Level of Commitment in the Review Committee, Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture.
Recognition for the highest level of service to the publication of the 2024 Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. The award is mentioned in the acknowledgments at this link:
2023The Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture Award 2023 for Highest Level of Commitment in the Review Committee, Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture.
Recognition for the highest level of service to the publication of the 2023 Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. The award is mentioned in the acknowledgments at this link: