Module 1: Site Analysis

A site analysis assesses a site’s physical, biological, social, and cultural attributes. It helps identify the opportunities and constraints for a specific site program. Therefore, a site analysis is a diagnostic process, not just descriptive mapping. This process begins with a thorough inventory of the site’s physical, biological, cultural, and experiential attributes, including the immediate context. The inventory not only provides the information necessary for useful analysis but also a mechanism to become familiar with the site in detail before you start to design.
Analysis occurs when site and context attributes and the program requirements (see are compared to determine the site’s opportunities and issues. Analysis requires going beyond descriptive inventory to make conclusions regarding the potential impact (good, bad, intriguing) of site attributes on the programming and design of the site. This information is presented through a compilation of plans, visuals, and brief text. I provided some additional references and resources to help with your analyses below.
- Soil texture feel test video –
- Soil Penetrometer –Penetrometer-article.pdf
- Soil Texture by Feel PDF – 335+837 F23 Soil_texture_by_feel.pdf
- Web soil Survey –
Climate and Micro-climate
- Windflow and Venturi effect video –
- Windroses – Iowa State wind roses website
Habitat and Pollinator Information
- Centre County Natural Heritage Inventory, 2002 –
- Links to an external site. (note, remember our discussion, not all animals and plants are relevant to our work on campus, e.g., wolves and elk).
- Landscape Ecology Principals – 3-s2.0-B0121451607000223-main.pdf
- Pollinator Info I –
- Trees of PSU –
- Pollinators of PA –